Global Quality Consultants mission is to become a Centre of Food Safety and Quality Consulting Excellence providing niche skills & expertise to client companies. We are resourced with a panel of auditors, training lead instructors and expert Associate Consultants who can be called upon to support client requirements.
Serving the human food, beverage and dietary supplement supply chain in relation to food safety, compliance and food quality.
With expertise in Infant Formula and other high-care food manufacturing environments, GQC can offer a range of services where there is a desire to optimise exemplary compliance and cGMP culture to ensure food safety.
Lead Instructors can provide Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) training and FSVP (Foreign Supplier Verification Program) training & USFDA FSMA assessment to meet 21 CFR 117 and other Codes of Federal Regulations.
Food Safety training modules can be customised to meet client requirements.
Lead Auditors can provide supplier auditing services to client requirements including GFSI, FSSC 22000:2018 and BRC standards.
Christina Farnan

Director and founder of Global Quality Consultants (F.I.F.S.T UK, PCQI & FSVP Lead Instructor).
Christina specialises in food safety management Systems to meet US FDA, Chinese GB Regulations, Irish and EU Food Law. Facility approvals by regulatory authorities & food manufacturing plant environmental controls and infrastructure.
Christina has a proven record of excellence in leveraging the scientific application of cGMPs and standards with an ability to influence and optimize exemplary compliance culture to ensure a safe food supply chain.
Has over 24 years + experience in food safety & technical senior leadership roles in food manufacturing: including infant & follow on formula, dairy, poultry industry, chilled foods, biscuit manufacture, confectionery and chocolate manufacturing. Christina was site quality head for Abbott Nutrition, Cootehill, Ireland for 16 years and Technical Manager/QA Manager with Carton Brothers for 7 years. Has extensive experience in relation to US FDA CFRs for Infant formula, Dairy and other foods.
Associate Consultant

Fiona Reidy
Fiona is an International Tutor who trains Lead Auditors to FSSC22000:2018, ISO 22000:2005 and ISO 9001:2015 (IRCA Approved Courses). Bespoke training courses can also be provided in relation to HACCP, Food Safety, Hygiene and Certification Standards such as BRC standard. Fiona is a BRC Global Food Lead Auditor for an Accredited Certification Body. Fiona also conducts focused internal audits and customises food safety management systems.
Other areas of expertise include: US Food Safety Modernisation Act, Lead Auditor GMP (B2/IFIS) Animal Feed Ingredient Standard, Lead Auditor BRC Global Food Standard, ISO 9001:2015, FDF/Skillsnets – Meat and Livestock Commission, U.K., Farm Auditor Training, ADAS Farm Assurance Auditor Training, Bord Bia Farm Assurance Auditor Training